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Posted by STEVE M on

Perusing the panoply of valve advertisements from the halcyon days of yore, I was struck to use the above by-line.  Let me explain further......

First of all there was BTH in 1924 telling us that the valve was "the heart of the wireless" and questioning whether or not your set had "valvular disease."

Then we have Marconi in 1925, also telling us that the valve is t"he heart of wireless"


This theme continues as we see in 1945 when Raytheon  issued a hearty advert extolling the use of their valves in an electronic stethoscope.

Interestingly, Mullard was "heartless" and if fell to a different Mullard to warble on heart related lyrics: -

Could it be that heart disease was a worry in the inter war years I wondered,  after all, heart disease was known to the ancient Egyptians as Pharaoh Merenptah, who died in the year 1203 BCE, was plagued by atherosclerosis - as you see, the Raytheon mummy wasn't the first to suffer!!!!!!

No real progress or particular worry surfaced on the topic of heart disease until 1948 when researchers initiated the Framingham Heart Study in the US, the first major study to help gain an understanding of heart disease,

This helped spur further research and  during the early 1950s, University of California researcher John Gofman identified today’s two well-known cholesterol types: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and further discovered that men who developed atherosclerosis commonly had elevated levels of LDL and low levels of HDL.

It was in the 1960s and 1970s that invasive treatments  such as bypass surgery and balloon angioplasty were pioneered.

A further development during  the 1980s, saw the use of stents to  open narrowed arteries was introduced.

As a consequence we can now manage heart disease better but are still a long way from completely erasing heart disease from human history. Just as equally, I am a long way from explaining why valve manufacturers utilised such "hearty" advertising from the 20s to the mid 40's.


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