The EL34 was the 1952 successor to the very successful EL37 with which it shares a high value of mutual conductance of 11.0 mA/V allied to a maximal anode dissipation level of 25W with a sub 1.5% distortion level possible. The EL37 was of pinch construction whereas for the EL34 mullard used the pressed glass foot construction employed on the B9A and B7G miniature valves for this IO based device.
When used in push-pull ultra linear configuration is capable of excellent results and low distortion. The definitive circuits for these valves was given by Mullard's own design labs in the publication Circuits for Audio Amplifiers. Having a tall form glass tubular envelope of approximately 35mm diameter and 100mm length this is a compact punch packing output pentode which found use in many classic valve guitar amplifiers, classic valve hifi amplifiers from Leak, Concordant, Dynaco, Tannoy, Decca, Pye, Radford and Rogers to name but a few! Some current exotica using the EL34 is listed below:-
Aestetix power supply
ASL aq1006-845 dt
Audio Matiere Accordance
Audio Sculpture Equilibre
CJ Premier 4
Conrad Johnson monobocks
Cornell Plexi 45/50 2003
Dynaco ST70
Germino Club 40
Germino Fillmore
Heritage Colonial 50W
HIWATT DR103 - Custom 100 Head
Hiwatt DR-103 1971
Lectron JH50 power amp
Mad Professor amp
Manley amp
Mrantz 2
Marantz 9
Marshall 1987 head
Marshall 50 watt Bass 1972 (model 1986)
Marshall JMC 2000 DSL 100 watt 2003
Matchless (35 watt Class A)
Matchless Chieftain 1995
Park 75
Randall RT2/50 power amp
Sonic Frontiers amp
THD amp
Two Rock amp
Univalve amp
VOX AC50, AC100 Super DeLuxe
VTL amp
Woo Audio amp