Posted by STEVE M on

Its quite sobering to see how things have changed over the years, take the term 'Community Testing' which topically brings to mind testing centres for the Covid19 virus.
Contrast this with the picture below dating from 1934 where leading radio manufacturers in conjunction with a leading magazine of the day conducted their own
Community Testing' where lucky households were given the chance to experience and review a selection of their radio receiver offerings.

This exercise was undertaken at a time when there existed a market choice of approximately 5000 radio receivers. The purpose was to see which of the purported best of these would pass muster with a grateful public. The testing, which was conducted in December 1934 meant that five lucky households in Caithness Road, Mitcham got an early Christmas present of a brand spanking new whizz bang up to date radio receiver to test! Alas, in these austere times ( nowt like the 'austerity' we see today though) the radios had to be returned after several days.