Posted by STEVE M on

Fast forward approximately 14 years to 26 April 1986 and an explosion of the No. 4 reactor resulted in the Chernobyl disaster which is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history - ever.
The accident occurred during a test of the steam turbine's ability to power the emergency feed water pumps in the event of a simultaneous loss of external power and coolant pipe rupture. Following an accidental drop in reactor power to near-zero, the operators restarted the reactor in preparation for the turbine test with a prohibited control rod configuration. Upon successful completion of the test, the reactor was then shut down for maintenance. Due to a variety of factors, this action resulted in a power surge at the base of the reactor which brought about the rupture of reactor components and the loss of coolant. This process led to steam explosions and a meltdown followed by a reactor core fire which lasted until 4 May 1986.
Following the disaster, Pripyat was abandoned and eventually replaced by the new purpose-built city of Slavutych. Final clean-up is scheduled for completion by 2065 some 80 years after the initial explosion.
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