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Posted by STEVE M on

Isn't it amazing how sights, smells and sounds can evoke a memory and so it was when I saw the photograph below when I was transported back in time by 45 years.


The Harrogate hifi show was an exciting event back in the late 70's/ early 80s especially to two young blades with no money and we would make the pilgrimage to the Harrogate Festival Hall in anticipation of being wowed by all we couldn't afford.

On one occasion, after enetering a crowded room, we milled around only to have the doors closed on us...... we had stumbled into a VIP audition of an exciting new loudspeaker.    There was the famed Spencer Hughes of Spendor who proceeded to take us through a performance of his BC1.  At the end, he asked for feedback and one sparrow legged, chinless wonder in a beret stood up, cupped his chin in his hand, cocked his head to one side and uttered those fatefull words " A trifle too sibilant perhaps."    That was it, Jeff and myself exploded into a peal of guffaws whilst every eye in the room swivelled towards us, honestly, it was like a scene from Village of the Damned. 

Thankfully we weren't ejected from the room and Spencer with a twinkle in his eye winked at us.

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