Posted by STEVE M on
Having broken off from my historical diatribe on Mullard, here are a few useful snippets about the pre CV valve numbering system used by the British Armed Forces - here is an explanation of what the various alpha suffix codings used by the different service arms mean - now you'll at least be able to identify the valve type if not the type number:-
British Army
Comprises of an alpha coding which signifies the valve use or configuration followed by a numeric code that signifies valve. The most commonly seen are listed below:-
ACR - Army cathode ray tube
AR - Army receiving valve
ARD - Army receiving diode
ARDD - Army receiving double diode
ARH - Army receiving hexode
ARP - Army receiving pentode
ARS - Army receiving screen grid tetrode
ARTH - Army receiving triode hexode
ARTP - Army receiving triode pentode
AT - Army transmitting valve
ATP - Army transmitting Pentode
ATS - Army transmitting screen grid tetrode
AU - Army Rectifier
AW - Army Stabiliser
British Royal Air Force
Comprises of an alpha coding which signifies the valve use or configuration followed by a numeric code that signifies valve. The most commonly seen are listed below:-
VCR - Valve cathode ray tube
VGT - Valve gas thyratron
VI - Valve indicating magic eye
VR - Valve receiving
VS - Valve stabilizing neon type
VT - Valve transmitting
VU – Valve rectifying
British Royal Navy
Comprises of an alpha coding which signifies the valve use or configuration followed by a numeric code that signifies valve. The most commonly seen are listed below:-
NC - Navy cathode ray tube
NGT - Navy gas thyratron
NR - Navy receiving valve
NS - Navy stabilizing neon type
NT - Navy transmitting valve
NU - Navy rectifier