Posted by STEVE M on

- 1931
- Paul Taylor and business partner Edward Lavington invented the “Pamphonic Electrical Reproducer”
- Pamphonic install amplifier systems in the London Coliseum Theatre and Drury Lane theatre.
- 1932
- Pamphonic Reproducers incorporated as a limited company and the trademarks Pamphonic and Paramphonic are registered
- Pamphonic install a public address system at White City stadium, Empire Pool Wembley.
- Pamphonic launch the “Standard Pamphonic Reproducer” comprising of a Marconi Pickup, Garrard Induction Deck and Epoch loudspeaker.
- Keith Prowse appointed as “sole concessionaire” for Pamphonic Reproducers.
- 1938
- Pamphonic introduce the 516 Moving Coil Microphone
- Pamphonic introduce the 520 Carbon microphone
- 1946/47
- Pamphonic introduce the601A 25W PA Amplifier. (3x SP41, 2x EL35, 2x FW4/500). .
- Pamphonic introduce the 601B 25W PA amplifier. (3x EF37, 2x EL34, 2x IW4/500).
- Pamphonic introduce the 602/A 50W “Transportable Amplifiers” (PA). (2x EF37A, EF37, ECC35, 4x EL37, 2x GZ32).
- Pamphonic offer joint branded PA Equipment with Pye .
- 1947
- Pye Ltd acquired 51% of Pamphonic Reproducers Ltd and provided futher cash for expansion.
- 1952
- Pamphonic introduce the 15W “Westmoreland” single cabinet record player.
- Pamphonic itroduce the 1002 Amplifier 25W Ultralinear, 0.05% distortion (ECC83, ECC81, 2x KT66, GZ32)
- New sales offices and showroom opened in Stratton Street, Mayfair.
- “Pam” name started to be used for some Pye-sourced equipment, including TVs.
- Edgar Lavington assists Pye to launch their Pamphonic-designed PF9i amplifier and PF9iA preamplifier. 1955
- Pye acquire the outstanding 49% of Pamphonic, establishing Paul Taylor as MD.
- 1956
- Pye designed and launched the Pam 710 transistor radio. The first British all-transistor radio.
- 1957
- 2001 24W HiFi Amplifier 0.05% distortion at 15W. £29. 8s (ECC81, ECC83, 2x KT66, GZ32).or (6L6G, 12AX7, 12AT7, 5V4)
- 1958
- Pamphonic introduce the 602W 50W Professional PA amplifier. (EF86, ECC81, ECC83, 2x KT88, GZ34)
- Pamphonic introduce the 603W 100W Professional PA amplifier. (EF86, ECC82, ECC81, 2x EY84, 2x KT88, GZ34)
- Pamphonic assist Pye in the first UK demonstration of Stereo record reproduction by supplying Pamphonic 3000 amplifier and speakers.
- 1959
- Edward Lavington leaves Pamphonic.
- 1961
- Pye-Ling founded as joint venture with Ling-Temco-Vought of USA to consolidate vibration equipment product line manufacture (Royston, Herts).
- 1965
- Pamphonic and Pam brands no longer marketed for sale.
This Pamphonic company history information was reproduced here by kind permission of Jeremy Owen - for more information on Pamphonic products, please visit
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