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OUR PRODUCT MANUFACTURERS — Gaumont British Picture Corporation


Posted by STEVE M on


  1932 Company founded by Gilbert Darnley-Smith, who later became MD and deputy chairman. Partly owned by Gaumont British. Said to be based on the Amplion horn loudspeakers business. The brand name comes from their location in Woodger Road, Shepherd's Bush, London.   1936 Three types of televisor receiving sets (models T5, T6 and T7) made for Baird Television Factory moved to Power Road, Chiswick. shown at the Wireless Exhibition at Olympia.    1938 Gaumont British Picture Corporation general meeting told that the associated company Bush Radio had contributed new and substantial income.   1940 Advert: the 'Bush Button' radio 'All-wave Model P.B.63 with Triode...

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